


changing this to just a blog bc i want to. think i'm gonna put some more of my writing on here. why not? alevels been stressing me out, there's too much stuff. also, i feel like i don't really have any friends, and maybe that is my own fault. it's not that im always on my own or anything, just idk, nobody seems to care abt the same stuff as me. maybe im a bad friend, but i dont want to be if that helps. hopefully when i go uni i can make new friends and they'll have the same views as me. it just feels like when im at school and with everyone, im encouraged to not care about the things that actually matter to me and instead have to worry about stupid things. also i just don't understand most of the people i know. they say they care about things (well a lot of them don't even do that) but then don't act on it. like quite a few of my friends repost things about palestine or say they hate capitalism, but clearly they don't when they still go to mcdonalds and starbucks and buy things they don't need off shein and amazon. like you can't say you don't like gal gadot bc she's a zionist, but then go and see snowwhite in the cinema. like none of them are willing to inconvience themselves in the smallest of ways. like boycotting is literally the easiest activism to do, just don't go there! my brother is always getting in a mood with me bc i won't go to mcdonalds, bc he's like 'oh it won't do anything'. but like atleast it's something. why do u wanna give ur money to unethical places? i just don't get it. and everyone acts as if im the one causing issues and being unreasonable. i just feel like if you want things to change in the world, you have to be willing to give up things.

my brother keeps saying offensive things and its pissing me off. why couldn't he be woke like me? teenage boys scare me fr. like stop yelling at me, its really fucking aggressive.


happy new year. i've decided that i'm going to try and be true this year. i want to stop doing things just so people will like me. real friends will still be my friends if i am not perfect. i get too anxious and scared that people will judge me. but do i want judgy people to like me anyway? idk. i also want to write on here more consistently. i need something to be doing.


i've been feeling horrible lately to be honest. i think it's because nobody around me seems to speak to how i feel. nobody is as angry or disenfranchised. it's left me feeling hollow and insane. i haven't really been able to put my feelings into words or even to understand how i was feeling. it is horrible just to feel so unmotivated and uncaring about anything, and not knowing why. i think i know too much about the political state of the world, that it's driving me insane - because nobody around me seems to care. nobody wants to do anything. it makes me feel crazy. why don't people care that they are being exploited? why don't they care that the things they buy - all the stupid shit they don't need - is being made by slaves? why don't people care that their tax money funds murder? how can people sit there and tell me that a bigger military funding actually decreases violence? stfu about nuclear bombs being deterents - they shouldn't exist! it makes me insane. i can't stand to be around my brother when he talks about rifles and guns that he has heard about in games and films. i hate all those stupid war movies that glorify it and make it look cool. 'an honour to serve your country' - well fuck my country! my country colonised half the world, my country facilitated slavery and genocide, my country to this day continues to fund atrocities and align itself with fascism. so no, i will never serve my country in its imperialist mission. i will never be proud of it's history. it sickens me. i will never be proud of empire. i am proud of resistance to it. of the people who have nothing to give, but fight back anyway. the people who could live a life of ignorance, but refuse. the people who could just accept the propaganda, but won't. the people who have been told that there is nothing they can do, but do something anyway. i think the reason i feel so disenfranchised, is because i don't have this type of community. all the advise online says to build a community in real life, but i can't seem to find anyone who doesn't just want to accept the system as unchangeable. everyone i know tells me to be realistic. everyone is too entangled in the logic of capitalism to realise that i am being realistic, that they are the delusional ones. there are things we can do, if only you try to think outside of the box you have been given.


it's been a while but im back. i feel like im always so busy. i handed in my personal statement today and my teacher basically said it was really bad (she said it needed a lot of work). i tried my best okay. i just don't think i like when people judge my writing. everything i say is quite dramatic, but i feel like it necesitates it. or maybe i am just dramatic. do i even want to go to uni? idk. i just want to learn. i dont want to work is the real thing. i just don't want to be stuck in some useless job that isn't even doing good in the world and is just making money for some rich guy. anyways.

also, chappell roan is right yall. everyone needs to stop hating on her, when she's literally done nothing wrong. she is right to actually question people in power and not put herself behind someone she doesn't agree with. i think that everyone just loves to hate on queer women and get angry when people aren't perfect. like i understand why a lot of celebrities get cancelled because they actually do problematic things. but sometimes its just uncalled for. like everyone is so mad because she said 'don't stalk me', yelled at paparazzi, cancelled her show due to mental health issues and actually thinks about politics critically, rather than just endorsing Harris and making a statement on instagram (cough, cough, like all those other celebrities who never speak about politics the rest of the time and only do the bare minimum). maybe im just biased bc i like chappell roan, but come on, lots of male celebrities are literal criminals and they don't even get half the hate.

tw. also, on the topic of celebrity criminals, why does everyone memify their crimes. like im sorry i don't see what is funny about assault. why do people talk about it like it is some drama, when its sa and pedophilia. so we're making songs and tiktok edits about this? what? is that not disgusting? my friend was watching reels the other day and safe to say i am disgusted. there was one of an elephants trunk going through a gate captioned 'drake at the playground'. why is this funny? why are we making memes about the abuse of children? why are making jokes about sex offenders? i don't get what people find funny. maybe i just don't get the 'dark humour', but what is funny about this? please someone explain.


i simply don't understand how everyone can act normal and fine when the world is how it is? how can someone read the news and go on with their day? my sadness and outrage is seen as the issue, not their apathy and complicity. i have mainly been busy all week and not really keeping up with the news. it was my birthday, so i'm eighteen now. i got a lot of books and cds and a really cool cake. it scares me that i could just disconnect from a lot if i wanted to. i am very privelledged that i always have everything i need and don't have to worry. it's mostly due to my mum, who works so much and is just amazing. it shouldn't be a privelege to have all your needs met, it should just be a human right that everyone has. but it isn't. when i think about things too much, it makes me sad. but i don't think that means i just shouldn't think. i don't think it is irrational to feel like that, i think it is the appropriate response. a lot of people i know don't think as much as i do. or atleast about the things i think about. or maybe they just don't care. too many people are apathetic. they have the privelledge to be ignorant and so they are. but i don't want to be. we can't just ignore things that make us uncomfortable or sad, it doesn't stop them from existing. there are things we can do. i have to believe that. evil never wins, not forever.


i haven't wrote in here in a while, i've been so busy with school. doing 4 A-levels is no joke bro. i've also got sm hw due, which i haven't done, but oh well. i'm going to be 18 soon, which is crazy. i don't really know how to feel tbh. things kinda suck in the world ngl. but i do have kind friends and a safe home, so i am grateful for that. i just wish that everyone could be safe and happy and that 'world peace' wasn't framed as this unrealistic utopian ideal. people tell me that it is just human nature to have all these wars and inevitable, but i don't think that's true. atleast i hope it isn't. i have been happier lately, since i deleted social media off my phone. in a way i feel guilty because there is so much hurt in the world and i can just turn away and not look, whereas so many people cannot. i do want to still stay informed; i think it is important. i just am trying to work out a way to do that without social media, because it's so addictive and not good for me. but yeah anyways, have a good day.


i live in the uk and i hate the government. everyone was saying to give the new prime minister a chance and to vote Labour to get Tory out, but what they don't seem to understand is that there is barely any difference now. i couldn't even vote and yet i have to deal with what everyone else has done. yet again the government is making cuts on welfare because they 'don't have the money' and this mysterious black hole in finances has appeared, which they 100% new about before the election. but it's just such lies because the UK is like the 6th richest country in the world, yet all the people are in poverty. all they have to do is tax the billionaires, but they simply won't do it. the money is there, with the richest, but instead, yet again the poor are the ones who have to pay for it. it's just so frustrating because everyone is so brainwashed that they hate immigrants instead of billionaires. immigrants are not taking your money, the rich are. also, the goverment wants to act like they care about the civilians in Gaza, when they just don't. recently they have suspended 30 arms sales to Israel, which may sound like a good thing, but it's out of 350. which is around 8.5%. so no, that's not good enough. i just don't know how anyone could license the sales of weapons to anyone, let alone a country committing genocide and aparthied. it's sickening. join your local protest if you can, and help organise action. i really want to do more, which i will be able to when i'm 18. Free Palestine. Fuck Capitalism.


i'm still trying to write my personal statement and honestly i'm kinda sick of it. it's bad enough that it costs so much to go and you have to get really high grades, let alone that you have to make a 'personal brand' and self-commodify yourself just so they will pick you. i'm the one paying to go there, why should i also have to extensively prove to you that i am worthy of an education that i'm literally going to have to pay thousands of pounds for? it doesn't make sense. i believe Universities should be free anyway and there should be enough places so that everyone who wants to get an education can. it literally benefits a country to have higher educated and more skilled workers. instead though they want to spend our money killing children abroad and destroying the planet. i want to go to uni to learn and to not have to go to work fulltime in a job i see as pointless. i hate the way they use fear at school - 'if you don't do this you will fail and end up in poverty'. as if it's people's own fault that they're poor (it's not). i just hate how they are constantly peddling the narrative that if you just try hard enough and believe it strong enough then you can be really successful and rich. but that's just not true. because it cannot be true for everyone. capitalism requires poverty and homelessness. it requires some people to succeed and some to fail. and to be saying it's because people just didn't try hard enough is honesty just riduculous and victim blaming. it's the fault of the system and if you fail to recognise that you are doing an injustice. so fuck you, you stupid motivational speakers that come to my school. i will not sacrifice my joy and relationships just to enhance my career, i will not succeed at the detriment of others, and i will not get rich through the exploitation of others. how dare you even insinuate for a second that billionaires deserve their wealth and worked for it! get those delusions out of your head.


so, i was watching youtube and thinking about Kamala Harris as president (i just want to prerequisite this by saying that i am not american, nor am i of voting age, so it doesn't really matter who i would or would not vote for, but anyway). Obviously, i would never vote for Trump as he's literally a fellon and like evil. We don't want Trump to win, that much is obvious. But is Kamala really that much better of an option? i just don't think she is. The video i was watching did critique her and did say that she is not the president that those coconut memes want us to believe. i just feel like a lot of people who claim to be radical are just not committed enough. i just refuse to believe that this is the best possible option and that having Harris as president is going to make much change at all. yes, Trump says horrible things, but policy-wise are the republicans and democrats really that different at all? can the americans just not be bothered to actually do anything to change this? you guys are just so brainwashed atp, but i don't totally blame you because i did fall for all those tiktok's too and think that maybe Harris could be a good president. however, i'm 17 and from a different country so it's a bit of a difference. this is kinda messy, but i want to talk about it properly at some point when my thoughts can be more nuanced, well-written and thought through. got a lot of homework to do now though, so idk when that will be. the main point is though, that the lesser of two evils is still evil. we know that Trump is bad, so if he is elected surely there is more likely to be opposition to awful policies he makes. if we sit back and relax, assured that we have voted for the candidate that is "not as bad", we refrain from doing anything actaully beneficial in the world and just allow them to get away with whatever they want because they are supposedly the better option.

I'm trying to write my personal statement rn. can i write of my contempt for personal statements in my personal statement? can i talk about how much i hate the institution of universities, how the system is unfair, how they fund wars and climate change and how it desperately needs change, and still get in? could i even get in anyways? someone please let me know. thanks.